Our Services


LEASE LINE Internet Connection

Internet Lease Line is the latest and fastest mode of connection to the Internet. Internet has changed the world of communication. Lease Line is the fastest mode of connection to the Internet World. With a high speed connection, there is a lot which can be done on the internet, which can never be accomplished by using an ordinary Domestic Broadband connection; viz. high speed data transfer, voice & video. This kind of connectivity specially designed for the Corporate.


BROADBAND Internet Connection

With wide array of packages, you'll get the speeds and control you need to enjoy the ultimate Broadband experience. Reliably fast Internet is provided for you - you can choose a speed to fit your lifestyle, whether you're browsing the Web or streaming popular movies and shows.



VoIP system encodes voice, audio, video through audio codecs and video codecs to transport streams over IP networks using special media delivery protocols. Indra B.B complete VoIP solutions integrate both technical and business solution. Our experts give you permanent fix for all Voice problem by skillfully using Various codecs that optimize the media stream based on application requirements and network bandwidth.




We, at QVEPL Networks are continuously evolving our ways to change the television viewing experience for all by offering superior picture and sound quality on TV sets of any make or age. Our value added services like Electronic Programming Guide (EPG), creating favorite channel list, parental control and multilingual function make the experience personalized and joyful. Cherry on the cake, we also offer local city channels covering local events that are of interest to viewers in a particular city. All you need to do to indulge in this experience is install our QVEPL Digital Set-Top-Box (STB) on your TV and Go Digital now.


AYMAN INTERNET PRIVATE LIMITED has re-defined the meaning of “Internet Experience” by offering limited and unlimited high-speed broadband internet connections to homes, businesses, and other centers in the city.
Our revolutionary method of service delivery and innovative packaging have set new market standard.


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